© 2024   The Magic Attic Archives

The Magic Attic

Local History - Local Heritage - from Local Folk

Registered Charity No 1094124


We have a whole host of new books on offer for people to enjoy (a number of old as well!!

Check out our Publications section to see what’s new.


The Magic Attic is a large local history archive located in South Derbyshire at Sharpe's Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote. Post Code is DE11 9DG .

The archive contains newspapers, photographs, maps, artefacts and family history information for South Derbyshire and surrounding areas.

Visitors and enquiries from outside the region and from abroad are also given every assistance and are equally welcome. We work in close association with the libraries of Swadlincote and Burton on Trent and with most of the local history groups.

Latest News

A Place for Serious Research or Gentle Reminiscence

New Books to Enjoy:

Magic Attic Messages



We apologise that the Magic Attic will be closed on all Saturdays during June, July and August.

(Due to lack of volunteers)

Heritage Walks

Titles and dates of the walks for 2024 are on our
Heritage Walks page.

A link to our online searchable inventory of resources is now available on Google Docs. This is an ongoing project and only covers a fraction of the entire archive at the moment. Please keep checking back for updates.

The Magic Attic Master Archive List

Monday      19:00 - 21:30

Tuesday     14:00 - 17:00

                  & 19:00 - 21:00

Thursday   14:00 - 17:00

                  & 19:00 - 21:30

Sorry but we have to temporarily close on Saturdays